It has been too long (half a year) since I have made a page. I have had many friends ask why? Well, it is time for me to come out and explain my absence. I was diagnosed with auto immune disease and fibromyalgia at the beginning of the year, which has also put me in a massive depression since then. For those of you who aren't familiar with what I have, the best way I can describe it it is chronic wide spread pain all over the body. It is hard for me to sit and concentrate on anything when my body is constantly screaming at me, even just the normal day to day things. Therefore, I just haven't had it in me to scrap. I started the idea of this page in July, so you can see it has taken me a very long time to put it together. I take one day at a time, many of which I am bedridden so I have taken to reading novels again. I have been trying different treatments and meds. Nothing has helped yet. Because of this disability, I lost my job as a massage therapist, which was really hard to endure. So as you can tell by now, I am in pain in many different ways.
Hence, the reason behind this page...I had my dd1 take this photo of me, in July 2012, on top of a large cage, for the cold hardness of being trapped. I darkened the photo and used some flames coming out of me to represent the burning pain. I used a functioning zipper to hide the title and journaling since I have been in hiding and am now coming out with my disease. Of course the severe distressing and punched cracks are for the all anguish and suffering I have been going through.
I did this page, not for sympathy, but just for my own therapy as well as wanting to share what is going on with my friends. I greatly appreciate all of you who have inquired about my pages over these past months.
This is the zipper up and covering the journaling.

Here the zipper is all the way down, revealing the journaling.

Journal: "Hidden Deep within my own shadows...there is no escape from all my pain." The paper which holds the zipper was only one sided, so I had to glue a different piece behind it. I added the fibers to cover the part that was still exposed at the top.

The red net was from a popsicle bag. I glued it down in certain areas using mod podge. Instead of using one punch around the page I used two. I even used some of the cracks that were punched out here and there.
(Not pictured here) is the black circle next to my photo and that is a CD protector that I nabbed from my dh.
Hugs to you all and always, thank you for your support!!!